Brenda Nicholson

Is it Wrong if a Ten-Year-Old Decides She’s Going to Hell and She’s OK with That?

True story. I was raised in a Pentecostal church. Lots of Old Testament preaching. Fire, brimstone, and the threat of hell were in every sermon. God was someone to be feared; a supreme being who judged you. As a kid, I didn’t think I was doing so well. I was an only child, born late in

Is it Wrong if a Ten-Year-Old Decides She’s Going to Hell and She’s OK with That? Read More »

Imperfect, Dysfunctional, and Low Self-Esteem? How to Dig Yourself Out

Hello, fellow imperfect person. You are joined by everyone else on the planet in being imperfect. Sorry — this is not an exclusive club. But you do get points for trying so hard to be perfect that you sometimes feel like a complete failure. Before you go blaming yourself — it’s not your fault. Many perfectionists got their start

Imperfect, Dysfunctional, and Low Self-Esteem? How to Dig Yourself Out Read More »

I Made a Surrender Pocket to Give Up What I Couldn’t Control

What is a surrender pocket? It’s an envelope. You write what is worrying you — things you have no control over — and place them in there. Acknowledge they are out of your control and give them over to the Universe. And then, each time you think of one of these things, you remember that you have given it

I Made a Surrender Pocket to Give Up What I Couldn’t Control Read More »

Mindfulness can Rewire Your Brain for the Better

Mindfulness is a buzzword these days often compared to meditation. To me, “meditation” isn’t quite accurate. Mindfulness is simply being aware of what’s happening in the present moment. That, and a willingness to accept what is without judgment. I was enjoying a “mindfulness moment” when I found out that my 29-year-old daughter had died. Practicing

Mindfulness can Rewire Your Brain for the Better Read More »