Brenda Nicholson

Where Do You Find Inspiration?

You do look for inspiration, don’t you?

You don’t need to be an artist or a writer. I think we all should be inspired by something every day. It makes life so much more enjoyable.

According to Eeyore, “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”

Imagine the first time you see a flower poking out of the snow, or maybe spring’s first robin. It makes you feel happy and uplifted. Winter has an end, after all!

Inspiration can give you hope.

I read a story today about a Ukrainian woman who threw a jar of tomatoes at a Russian drone and destroyed it. Doesn’t that make you smile? Don’t you want to cheer her on?

Inspiration is everywhere.

Kids are a great source. They believe that literally, anything is possible. You should try thinking like a kid now and then.

Of course, you can find quotes online or apps for your phone. Reading a positive quote each morning could start your day off on a better note. Try and keep it in mind as you go through your day.

I find inspiration in color. I love bright, cheerful colors.

Think about what makes you feel happy or uplifted, and then add a little to your life.

How about a bouquet on your desk? Or a picture of your favorite people? Maybe a photo from your last vacation.

These little bits of happiness can make you feel better. And when you’re in a good mood, you can pass it on to someone else. You can be the inspiration.

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