I’m sure you have some habits in your life.
The usual hygiene stuff — shower, brush teeth, etc. Checking your phone — how many times? And maybe a Netflix and chill session at the end of the day.
Here’s a question — how are those serving you?
Developing good habits and bundling them into routines can save you time, put your tasks on autopilot, and help you reach your goals.
So why aren’t you doing that instead?
Probably because no one ever taught you.
Start with your evening routine.
I bet you don’t have one, beyond screen time and brushing your teeth.
But a good nighttime routine sets you up for a successful tomorrow.
So let’s set one up.
Decide what time to go to bed so that you get enough rest. Screen time ends an hour before. No blue light means better sleep.
This would be a good time to put your devices on charge.
Check your planner and the weather so you’re prepared for the next day. While you’re at it, layout your clothes. Even if it’s sweats.
Taking a tote or backpack? Pack it now and put it by the door.
If breakfast or packed lunch are on the agenda, do what you can to prepare ahead of time.
Is tomorrow’s dinner in the freezer? Put it in the fridge now.
If you have kids, they can follow right along with you, developing their own good habits.
All of this should take maybe half an hour once you get the hang of it. The time and frustration it will save tomorrow will be worth it.
Now it’s time for tooth brushing, PJs, and some quiet relaxing before bed.
Tomorrow morning is going to be your best yet!
This post was created with Typeshare