Mindfulness can Rewire Your Brain for the Better

Mindfulness is a buzzword these days often compared to meditation.

To me, “meditation” isn’t quite accurate. Mindfulness is simply being aware of what’s happening in the present moment. That, and a willingness to accept what is without judgment.

I was enjoying a “mindfulness moment” when I found out that my 29-year-old daughter had died.

Practicing mindfulness, journaling, and accepting the help of others got me through the next few years.

Mindfulness encourages positivity and can lead to greater happiness.

It can also help with depression and anxiety, lower stress levels and blood pressure, and help you sleep.

It was first studied as a treatment option for chronic pain sufferers. That success led to further studies and more ways that mindfulness can be used.

Here’s how mindfulness works, from a biological standpoint: your brain is constantly changing, based on several factors, including your age and environment.

If you have reacted to a certain situation before with irritation, that becomes your brain’s go-to response.

But the neuroplasticity of your brain means you can change that. Just like developing new habits.

You can decide to react another way and train your brain to use that as your new default.

The next time something happens that irritates you, stop, be mindful of the moment, and decide to react differently.

Each time you do this, you are creating a new neural pathway in your brain. Soon this will be the way you always react.

Mindfulness is so amazing, it’s almost magic.

But it’s not magic. It’s just your incredible brain.

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