Journaling is no longer for eighteenth-century young ladies pining away for true love.
Today’s journal is a tool, and as such, it can be used in several ways.
Keeping a journal regularly is good for your mental health.
The act of putting pen to paper can improve your memory and clarify your thoughts.
It can enhance your creativity, make connections you wouldn’t see otherwise, and clear your mind.
Journaling is a great way to deal with anxiety or blow off a little steam. It helps with depression, too, by giving you a way to track your moods and figure out what’s really upsetting you.
Keeping a gratitude journal can really have a positive impact on your life.
I usually list five unique things a day that I’m grateful for, but even tracking one per day will give you 365 things that you were grateful for the past year. That’s a lot!
Journaling is also a good way to just record the simple moments of your day. You can purchase five-year journals that give you room for a couple of sentences a day, each day, for five years.
What a wonderful way to look back and see how far you’ve come.
A journal can help you set some goals, break them down, work out any issues, and finally achieve them.
It can be far more effective than any New Year’s resolution.
Journaling can help you with your writing skills. It’s good practice for writers, but beneficial for everyone.
A lot of people practice a type of journaling known as morning pages, an idea proposed by Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way.
Three pages, written longhand, each morning before your day begins. It clears your mind and heightens your creativity. I’ve been doing them for over twenty years.
All you need is a simple notebook and a cheap pen.
Go on. Try it.
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