80 Days of Art

Playing with art supplies (even simple ones) can be an excellent way to relax and de-stress. And I have the perfect project for you to try!

They’re called “Inchies” because your canvas is one-inch square. They’re quick to do and give you a creative break when you need it. 🧵👇🏼

My sketchbook holds forty one-inch squares per page. I’m doing two pages — eighty squares — over the next eighty days and posting them here.

It’s my way of counting down — and de-stressing — as we prepare to move back to Michigan.

I’d love for you to join me. Use #80DaysOfArt

Start by finding some paper or a notebook to use. Thicker paper is better if you’re going to be using paint.

Pick your supplies: paint, markers, crayons, colored pencils and pens, whatever.

And find a place to keep it out so that it’s easy to access.

Using a ruler and a pencil, divide your paper into one-inch squares. I used a thin black marker to trace over mine, but you do what you want.

Because you’re working in such a small space, most of your art will be simple, making it easy. No talent is needed! Just have fun.

Here’s Day 1 of #80DaysOfArt

See — no talent needed. Worst drawing of the UP ever.

Colored pencils on very rough sketch paper.

Join me!

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

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